Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki in Conversation with John Mangos
December 9, 2020

Greece 2021 – An opportunity to celebrate the past and look to the future
6pm – 7pm (AEDT) on Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, President, “Greece 2021” Committee, will be the special guest speaker at the second THI Australia Digital Conversation Series webinar, in conversation with John Mangos.
Next year, Greece will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the start of the War of Independence, which led to the creation of the modern Greek state.
With commemorative events taking place across Greece and around the world, this live webinar will be an opportunity to hear about the “Greece 2021” Committee’s plans and Ms Angelopoulos’ insights into the importance of the bicentenary commemorations in celebrating Greece’s past and looking to the future.
An Ambassador-at-large for the Hellenic Republic, Ms Angelopoulos-Daskalaki has had a successful career in law, politics, business and is known to many of us her outstanding leadership of the Athens 2004 Olympics.
In 2019, she was appointed to lead the ‘Greece 2021 Committee’ charged with the delivery of a global program of events to commemorate the bicentenary.
John Mangos is a veteran television news presenter and journalist with more than 40 years working in Australian media.
As we keenly look to put 2020 behind us, we are excited that 2021 presents opportunities for the Greek diaspora to embrace the spirit of the bicentenary and celebrate the richness of Hellenism and the past 200 years of the modern Greek nation.
We hope that you can join us for what promises to be an insightful discussion in the lead up to an important milestone for Greece.
Register prior to the event to receive your Zoom link.
For more information about our speakers go to our event page