MdM Greece Public Health Project Continues to Make an Impact
March 16, 2022
THI Australia’s Public Health Project with MdM Greece is a stellar example of the impact THI Australia grants continue to make in Greece. THI Australia’s CEO, Stergitsa Zamagias-Hill, who was recently in Greece, met with Dr Hara Tziouvaras, MdM’s President, members of the Public Health team and beneficiaries.

Such visits enable THI Australia to observe our grants in action and to directly hear about the circumstances that have led beneficiaries to seek help from charities in Greece.
We can report that the interim results of the 2021 – 2022 Public Health Project are on course to enable 5,000 visits to the Polyclinic by vulnerable communities. It is also reassuring to know that MdM Greece is a trusted place for beneficiaries to visit.
MdM Greece is in regular contact with other NGOs and local agencies to better facilitate the beneficiaries’ referrals to the Public Health Project. In the reporting period July 2021 – December 2021, there were 2,528 visits to the Polyclinic in Athens by 1,628 people and medical services included 1,573 medical assessments, 1,961 medical follow-ups and 1,233 emergency pharmaceuticals. A further 2,164 psychosocial actions were delivered.
Vulnerable communities continue to struggle due to the challenges posed by COVID-19 and the recent increase in utility costs – electricity and petrol – has added to the financial pressures. And we know from experience that many beneficiaries prioritise the payment of an electricity bill to avoid the disconnection of the service rather than purchase their prescribed medications.
THI Australia’s collaboration with MdM Greece was made possible by the generosity of Con and Rita Berbatis. Moreover, their gift paved the way for close to 4,000 visits by people living in precarious conditions to gain access to basic health care services at the Open Polyclinic in Athens in June 2020 – July 2021.
The final results of the 2021 – 2022 Public Health Project will be available in July – August 2022.
While living in his parked car in central Athens, Dimitris was facing multiple health problems. He suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Dimitris was a truck and taxi driver for more than 20 years. After serious family issues he began to suffer from depression and ceased all communication with his family following his divorce and has been unemployed since 2009 due to his severe health problems.
When Dimitris first arrived at the Athens Polyclinic his physical and medical condition was extremely poor. After an initial assessment by the social worker and consultations with the general practitioner, the cardiologist and the psychiatrist, he was persuaded to leave his car and move to a homeless dormitory.
With the assistance of the social worker, Dimitris receives a part (67%) disability pension and contact has been established with his two children. His mental health condition is improving, his living conditions are adequate, and he is looking forward to being able to rent a small place with his income. “I have a fresh start in my life because of MdM Greece. They comforted me as I am, with non-judgemental behaviour. My health condition is better, and I have a place to use my nebulizer each day.”
Donate online today. All tax deductible donations will assist THI Australia to continue supporting our trusted partner charities in Greece.